In Store Equipment Repairs

We repair a wide variety of pool equipment at our location


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Pentair Prowler Robotic Repair

Lilly Pool and Spa is your one-stop outlet for an extensive range of product support and maintenance. Bring in, or ship us your Pentair equipment and we can service it on the spot!

Services include:

  • Warranty maintenance
  • Equipment Repair
  • Equipment tune-ups
  • Equipment Diagnostics

Equipment Upgrades and Repairs

Lilly Pool and Spa has a full warehouse of pool equipment and parts for your swimming pool because when a customer’s pool is down, they need it repaired immediately.  We recognize that time is of the essence and we strive to have all the parts you may need. Please call 610-273-2449, for any equipment replacements, i.e. filters, heaters, pumps and chlorinator replacements, as well as plumbing and valve replacements.  We can add a salt system and/or a total control system to maintain your pool water and we have many innovative and energy saving products that we can introduce to you as well.

Equipment upgrades:

          • Heaters ( Pentair, Hayward, Zodiac, Fluidra )
          • Pumps (Sta-Rite, Pentair, Jandy, Hayward, Fluidra)
          • Filters (Sand, Cartridge, DE – all makes and models)
          • Pressure testing and plumbing repair
          • Automation: Controls lights, pumps and water features. All makes and models
          • Salt Systems (Zodiac, Fluidra)

(610) 273-2449